Launch Day a Family-Fractured Fairy Tale

28 Aug

Sunday night at five hours until my latest title would go on sale an ominous feeling weighed heavy on my shoulders. The phone rang shortly thereafter and set in motion the wheels of another family crisis in an ongoing saga. Anyone who understands about putting the “fun” in dysfunctional family, you know you can almost guarantee that someone is going to break something, hurt someone or otherwise upset a perfectly decent day at any time.

If you’ve read my book “The Crowded Nest Syndrome,” a humorous look at the return of adult children, you’ll know the cast of characters, one of which deflated my launch day. I ended up on the highways, blood pressure soaring from 5 am until after 8:30 pm on my August 26th. Did I get a chance to send out tweets of joy? No. Did I get to relish in the congratulations of friends and family? No. I know the rule “Family before fame,” (I just made that up) but (ready to stomp my foot in a pout) I was really looking forward to this day with all of you. Isn’t that what social media is all about? Getting to shout and tweet and post the wonders of a new book?

I missed the birth of “Her Ghost Wears Kilts.” By the time I returned home to wi-fi and a computer in the dark of night, I was thoroughly drained of energy and personality. There are powerful people out there who can wring the life out of you if locked in a position of listening to them for hours at a time with no escape.

Launch Day-plus-one celebration.

Launch Day-plus-one celebration.

This morning I crawled to my day job knowing I’d face an inbox of customers needing help and a stack of finished books from calling in absent on a Monday. Not overwhelming, because I knew we all cover what we can for each other when someone’s out. But (get the Kleenex ready) Kate, from production, came in with a gorgeous bouquet she’d created herself and a delicious cookie pizza with “Best Author” across it. Oh, how the tears fell. And, yes, I Photoshopped some of the puffiness from under my eyes. Jeez, I’d been crying and she wants to take a picture!

Okay, so I missed the official Launch Day – doesn’t mean the party’s over, I’m just getting warmed up. My virtual blog tour doesn’t start until Sept. 16 and there is much to do and people to encourage to enjoy the perils of HGWK. And those who pre-ordered and are now able to jump into the story of Baillie will soon be telling their friends.  Right? Doesn’t mean HGWK can’t make the best-selling list of paranormal romances about ghosts.

Right??? You betcha.


3 Responses to “Launch Day a Family-Fractured Fairy Tale”

  1. Trish August 28, 2013 at 2:01 am #

    How sweet of Kate! And congrats on your launch day!

  2. Lisa Hammond August 28, 2013 at 4:19 am #

    I am so sorry your launch day was not as you anticipated, or deserved. But do know that not only are you a wonderful writer, you are a wonderful mother, grandmother, wife and friend. I am so proud of you, as are so many others. I can’t wait to read your latest creation!

  3. David Ash August 28, 2013 at 6:40 am #

    I heard a story once from an author about how she was scheduled to do a CNN interview on her new book’s subject, which would have been great publicity, on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Then some planes flew into some skyscrapers and the news folks decided to go in a different direction. You have no idea what that would feel like and… oh wait, that was you. Yeah…. Well then, I guess you’re way overdue for some remarkable good luck in the publicity timing department. Here’s hoping that whither thou ghost, success ghost!

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