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4.5 Star Review

9 Oct

Time has swished by as quickly as the blustery Northwest winds outside have scattered falling leaves. Too fast. I’m nearing the end of my  first virtual book tour with much gratitude to Bewitching Book Tours for making it doable and quite an experience.  This month-long adventure still has an exciting week to go.

I received a fabulous review from Lexi at Book Bliss last week that I wanted to share. She nailed quite a few components of the book and made my day. HGWK is more romantic comedy than typical paranormal and I cheered reading Lexi’s remarks about the hilarious side characters.

A very quirky book with something for everyone to love really from drag queens to romance to sentient ghosts! I thought it was great having a non conventional hero, it upped the book a lot adding different plot obstacles that aren’t always present. The world building for the rules of the afterlife was well thought out and I hope to see some more from it because it was laid out so well. The overall concept was strong.

However there were two elements that threw me out for the perfect 5 star review. The first was I almost felt it was too amusing for the category it is listed in. I loved the comedy but wasn’t expecting it to be such a central focus on the book and to an extent, felt it took away from the rest of the novel in some experience. The other was my strong love of the supporting characters of the main. Now anyone that’s been reading these reviews knows that my number 1 book love formed for a supporting character in book 1 and his book wasn’t until book 10 so it can happen. However I felt these supporting character and their hilarity stole the show and I would’ve liked to feel more invested in the romantic leads, Baillie and Kai, who were both fantastic separately but together I wanted a bit more.

My next virtual book tour will include more chick-lit or light heart, contemporary romance blogs. Focus more on the frolic instead of the super-natural. Any suggestions or blogs you’ve run across that might be a good fit, please let me know. I’d love to see sales soar this autumn for “Her Ghost Wears Kilts.”

The Importance of Reviews

14 Sep

Doesn’t that sound impressive? So literary and that is the point. It’s hard to believe how valuable reviews become when a book is first launched. It’s a written word-of-mouth opinion that travels across the country and sometimes around the world. I want to encourage you, whether it is my books or others you are reading, that when you are done, you post a review at Amazon, Goodreads or Barnes & Noble. Your fifty to a hundred words may be the catalyst for the next person to purchase a copy of that title.

As an author, there is sweet sensation when the first reviews are posted from readers who purchased a copy and enjoyed the adventure you created. A review is your way of contacting the author and letting them know how you felt about the book. Though I’ve shared this on my fb fan page, here is a copy of my first review:

A fun, romantic romp!,

September 8, 2013

First of all, full disclosure here: I admit my own bias toward any novel that includes a ghost as a sentient character. And in this one, not only is the ghost entertaining, he’s Celtic as well! Bonus points!!

Having said that, let me also say that if the spirit world is anything like the world Kathleen Shaputis depicts here, I think I’m pretty much ready to cross over!

I loved this book because it is romantic without being cheesy or sappy, ghostly without being Gothic, and it never takes itself too seriously.

When Baillie, the goofy but lovable protagonist, is told she has a ghost trying to communicate with her, she tries everything to deny his presence–until the news arrives that she has inherited a castle in Scotland, where she ultimately finds herself face to face with the lord of the castle himself (in ghostly form). For its humor, the book reminded me of the old TV series of my childhood, “Topper,” which I loved.

It should be noted here (for lovers of drag queen hilarity) that the characters of Rafael and T-Cup are especially memorable.

Kudos to Shaputis for offering a fun page-turner with a great sinister villain and several unlikely heroes (including a horse). Charming, quick read!

As an author I am more in tune with the importance of reviews, and find I must take the time to share my thoughts and a few words with the world about the books I’ve read and enjoyed. But just as important is hearing from the working mother in Kansas City or the reader flying to Ireland for vacation and has taken a copy of your book to read on the trip. The only way the author will know your reactions is by reviews.

Make leaving reviews a habit of choice, let the author know their hours of sweat and strain paid off. And let me know who your favorite character of “Her Ghost Wears Kilts” published by Crimson Romance is after you’ve read the book. I look forward to hearing from you.

Virtual Book Tour Schedule is Here

6 Sep
Get ready for a whirlwind, exciting virtual book tour set up by Bewitching Book Tours.

Get ready for a whirlwind, exciting virtual book tour set up by Bewitching Book Tours.

On a wet, wild day in the Pacific Northwest with lightning and thunder as background music, I received my tour schedule from Roxanne Rhoades at Bewitching Book Tours. And with the horrific and beautiful weather outside came the cancellation of football practice for my grandson. Perfect. Gave me time to set up the tour schedule page here and share the good news.

However, the lights are starting to blink, so it would be frustratingly ironic if the power goes out.

I love interviews – radio, television and blogs. Yes, I am a media diva – spreading good cheer, fun stories and information wherever I go. Though the last time I had national exposure and drive-time interviews on radio stations back east, I was about forty pounds lighter. The best thing about virtual tours is I’m behind a computer screen. Ruh-roh, what about Skype? Hmm, well, so far none of the interviews are live or taped.

According to the count down on my blog, it’s ten days before the start of the tour. I’ve been given instructions for my first few events and can’t wait to plunge in with anecdotes and fun facts of being a writer and publishing a paranormal romantic comedy.

Let me post this while the power is still on.

Getting Ready for Virtual Book Tour

31 Aug
Tour dates Sept 16 to Oct 16.

Tour dates Sept 16 to Oct 16.


In just over two weeks I’ll be working with Roxanne Rhodes, creator of Bewitching Book Tours, for a month-long virtual book tour. Here is a blurb from her website: Bewitching Book Tours is the brainchild of Roxanne Rhoads– freelance writer, erotic romance author, book lover and paranormal aficionado.

What is a virtual book tour? It’s a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about your book from the comfort of your own office or living room by using bloggers and other promotional venues on the Internet. Being a guest blogger or answering a Q&A session or an interesting interview reaches out to the audience of that particular blogger who already has interest in reading your particular genre. It’s possible a copy of the book cover and buy links will be included in each blog.

A virtual tour is extremely important if your latest title is an eBook. It’s digital format does not lend to taking a box of copies to a coffee shop for a reading and making back of the room sales as you can with a printed edition.

Stay tuned for additional information as it becomes available of upcoming posts and guest blogs. I hope you’ll visit each blog and comment on the article to show support of this wonderful venue.

Launch Day a Family-Fractured Fairy Tale

28 Aug

Sunday night at five hours until my latest title would go on sale an ominous feeling weighed heavy on my shoulders. The phone rang shortly thereafter and set in motion the wheels of another family crisis in an ongoing saga. Anyone who understands about putting the “fun” in dysfunctional family, you know you can almost guarantee that someone is going to break something, hurt someone or otherwise upset a perfectly decent day at any time.

If you’ve read my book “The Crowded Nest Syndrome,” a humorous look at the return of adult children, you’ll know the cast of characters, one of which deflated my launch day. I ended up on the highways, blood pressure soaring from 5 am until after 8:30 pm on my August 26th. Did I get a chance to send out tweets of joy? No. Did I get to relish in the congratulations of friends and family? No. I know the rule “Family before fame,” (I just made that up) but (ready to stomp my foot in a pout) I was really looking forward to this day with all of you. Isn’t that what social media is all about? Getting to shout and tweet and post the wonders of a new book?

I missed the birth of “Her Ghost Wears Kilts.” By the time I returned home to wi-fi and a computer in the dark of night, I was thoroughly drained of energy and personality. There are powerful people out there who can wring the life out of you if locked in a position of listening to them for hours at a time with no escape.

Launch Day-plus-one celebration.

Launch Day-plus-one celebration.

This morning I crawled to my day job knowing I’d face an inbox of customers needing help and a stack of finished books from calling in absent on a Monday. Not overwhelming, because I knew we all cover what we can for each other when someone’s out. But (get the Kleenex ready) Kate, from production, came in with a gorgeous bouquet she’d created herself and a delicious cookie pizza with “Best Author” across it. Oh, how the tears fell. And, yes, I Photoshopped some of the puffiness from under my eyes. Jeez, I’d been crying and she wants to take a picture!

Okay, so I missed the official Launch Day – doesn’t mean the party’s over, I’m just getting warmed up. My virtual blog tour doesn’t start until Sept. 16 and there is much to do and people to encourage to enjoy the perils of HGWK. And those who pre-ordered and are now able to jump into the story of Baillie will soon be telling their friends.  Right? Doesn’t mean HGWK can’t make the best-selling list of paranormal romances about ghosts.

Right??? You betcha.


Available for Pre-Order Now

12 Aug

Magic Monday came at six this morning seeing “Her Ghost Wears Kilts” listed on This starts the two-week pre-order window by Crimson Romance for the eBook edition. It is also available at iTunes and will soon be listed with Barnes & Noble for Nook readers.

How intense should marketing be for pre-orders versus waiting until the book releases for sales? This is an interesting question and one I’m finding with a variety of responses.

What are your feelings on the topic? I look forward to hearing your comments.

36 Days and Counting

23 Jul

At the stroke of midnight, Monday August 26th my paranormal dramedy Her Ghost Wears Kilts goes on sale. That’s thirty-six days from now. Cover image posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and my website with the release date: check. Blog set up for the book: check. Initial contact made to Author Marketing Expert services, Penny Sansevieri. Thirty-six days and so much still to do.

Postcards ordered with Ninth Moon promotional services. I’ve already received my promotion stickers with the cover image and release date. Next step is the postcards.

Need to research and send out celebrity endorsement requests. I don’t have a list made. Do I want to shoot for best-selling authors in the romance field or do I send to actresses I see as perfect for the protagonist? Sally Fields is the first name that comes to mind or Valerie Bertenelli, she’s always fun in a Lifetime made for TV movie. Time to subscribe to Contact Any Celebrity for at least a month and find addresses for sending out request letters.

I need to gather names for my Street Team, close friends and family who are willing to work at spreading the word about my latest book.

I understand two weeks before the release date, the eBook will be available for pre-orders. Do I focus most of my advertising energy to gain pre-orders or spread the news around but punch into high gear once the eBook is available? Do my readers want immediate gratification by reading the book as soon as it is purchased? Or patient enough to order early and remember to put HGWK at the top of their list once it is downloaded to their account? Decisions, decisions.

Stay tuned for more. I need to get a few pages written on the sequel and get plenty of sleep for my day job at Gorham Printing.

Sunday Dilemmas

21 Jul

It’s early morning and an entire day stretches out before me – no errands, no visitors expected. How do I fill the hours from the basket of writing possibilities? I don’t want to reach the end of “60 Minutes” tonight and play the shoulda, woulda, coulda game. That’s a given. But we’re running out of forks, so doing a load of dishes is a must sometime today. Think, think.

Do I block two-hour increments toward marketing for HGWK, which then has a list of subcategories I could block time for? One of which is reading my copy of “Red Hot Internet Marketing” by Penny Sansevieri and highlighting ideas and concepts. Read one chapter and make a to-do list – that’s a feasible goal. One post on Facebook, one tweet on Twitter, check. What about working on the sequel “Murder in the Castle” (working title)?A 72,000 word manuscript doesn’t write itself. The characters are tapping their toes wondering when it will be their turn to dazzle on a blank page. Goal today? One to three pages – a page a day finishes a manuscript in a year.

Baby steps – isn’t that what I always say in my classes? Whether a newbie writer or a well-published author with a new book on deck, don’t overwhelm yourself – succeed at a few things consistently, baby steps.

Now, do I hang a copy of the schedule on my back so that family members will respect my time? Hmm, why bother as they won’t see it from shouting my name from the next room. But I can pin it to the front of my shirt and remind myself of my priorities.  It’s my passion, my books are my dreams and no one is going to magically part the waters of responsibilities and life for me. I must demand the time of myself because I deserve it.

Ready? Begin!

Advance Reviews and Endorsements

17 Jul

Before your book is published, you need to build a list of possible readers, celebrities, known names you’d like have read your book and possibly provide an advanced review. Your list can include other authors in the same genre or field as yours, names that would lend credence to the quality of your work.

One name on my list to send an ARC (advanced review copy) was Cheril Vendetti, an incredible stand-up comic, chef and author. Her Ghost Wears Kilts is a romantic comedy and who better to request a quote from but a national entertainer and fellow author. The scary part? Will someone who makes a living making people laugh and feel good find my characters loveable? Ms. Vendetti was kind enough, during her busy schedule of appearances and travel, to not leave me chewing my fingernails for long. See her response below:

“I loved this book, it kept me interested from the first page, I could not put it down. Kathleen is a wonderful writer that knows her craft and makes you feel you are inside the pages with all the characters. Truly a delight. Man, can this woman write!”
                          — Cheril Vendetti, infamous stand-up comedienne aka “The Italian Floozy.” Author of a funny cookbook about Mobsters, mayhem, macaroni and of course her mother, called “MISTRESS OF THE MOB CUISINE.”

Take the risk and ask. What is the worst they could say, but no. Who would you like to see reading your book?

Upcoming Release

17 Jul

My latest romantic comedy is officially on the Crimson Romance website as an upcoming release. Don’t those words have a special sound? Maybe you have to be a writer to appreciate them. The only other thHer Ghost Wears Kilts, by Kathleen Shapuitsrill I could relate to them is a movie release. This new book would make an adorable Lifetime Made for Television movie. It’s fun, suspenseful and has a cast of memorable characters. But I digress (unless there is an agent or producer in the audience). August 26th at the stroke of midnight this eBook will be available for download. From what I understand pre-sales start two weeks before the release date.

This is my first venture with a romance publisher and I am proud to be chosen as one of the team with this new imprint of F&W Media: Crimson Romance. It will be interesting to experience the eBook edition released first and the printed edition early in 2014. Many of my Baby Boomer friends do not own an eReader yet. I

Her Ghost Wears Kilts, by Kathleen Shapuits

own a Kindle and my husband has one but we also have a house overcrowded with books.

So begins a new adventure. Come with me and find out the struggles and ecstasy of a new book’s launch into the world.